Extension Name Description Link
Alt+Tab Scroll Workaround Quick fix for a bug where scrolling in one application is repeated in another when switching between them using Alt+Tab (e.g., VS Code and Chrome)1 Link
Bing Wallpaper Features UHD resolution wallpapers, automatically fetches the current Bing wallpaper of the day and sets it as both the lock screen and desktop wallpaper2 Link
Dash to Dock A dock for the Gnome Shell. Link
GSConnect A complete implementation of KDE Connect especially for GNOME Shell with Nautilus, Chrome, and Firefox integration3 Link
Input Method Panel Uses KDE's kimpanel protocol for Gnome-Shell4 Link
Just Perfection A tweak tool to customize GNOME Shell, change behavior and disable UI elements5 Link
Lunar Calendar农历 Displays Chinese Lunar Calendar in panel6 Link
Sound Output Device Chooser Shows a list of sound output and input devices in the status menu below the volume slider7 Link
System Monitor Next Display system information in GNOME Shell status bar, such as memory, CPU, disk and battery usages, network rates… Link
AppIndicator and KStatusNotifierItem Support Alternative for ~~TopIconsFix~~ Link
User Themes Loads shell themes from user directory8 Link
Vertical Overview Brings back vertically stacked workspaces9 Link
Window Is Ready-Notification Remover Removes "window is ready" notification10 Link
Workspace Indicator Indicates current workspace on the panel and allows switching to another workspace11 Link
Desktop Icons NG (DING) Adds icons to the desktop, a fork of the original Desktop Icons extension with several enhancements12 Link
Ubuntu Dock Mock extension on GNOME Extensions site, advises to use Dash to Dock for similar functionalities. This name is reserved for the Ubuntu Dock system extension on Ubuntu13 Link


要关闭自带的Ubuntu Appindicators插件 https://github.com/web1n/wechat-universal-flatpak/issues/19

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